Our Commitment To Safety

Take personal responsibility. Care for our people. Build products everyone can trust.

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At Columbus McKinnon Corporation, we connect Safety to all that we do! From our people, to our products and the communities we live and work, safety is that lynchpin that keeps us moving forward. 
Columbus McKinnon has a long history of success, and we would not be where we are today without the hard work and dedication of all our employees. We feel it is critical to ensure our most valuable assets, our people, have a safe environment to work in every day. 
CMCO has a rich culture rooted in safety, evidenced by our safety performance, quality products, exceptional associates and satisfied customers. 

Employee Safety

Safety is the foundation of all we do at Columbus McKinnon. The health and safety of our employees is our number one priority, and most prominent value. 

We pride ourselves on our safety accomplishments and the diligence of our employees who keep safety top of mind day in and day out. It is due to intense focus and rigorous corporate safety standards that we are able to say we have a Total Recordable Injury Rate that is significantly lower than industry standards.

However, we are never satisfied and will never allow ourselves to become complacent when it comes to keeping our people safe and secure. Our goal is for every employee to return safely to their families each day, knowing they work for a company that values them above all else.

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"Columbus McKinnon has a long history of success, and we would not be where we are today without the hard work and dedication of all our employees. We feel it is critical to ensure our most valuable assets, our people, have a safe environment to work in every day. We also understand the importance of their overall health and psychological well-being. We have integrated safety standards, training and wellness programs into our daily work."

By Chris McCay, Director of Environmental, Health and Safety

Keeping Our Employees Safe Through COVID-19

As the world dealt with the fear & uncertainty of a global pandemic, Columbus McKinnon actively monitored the evolving situation, assessing risks and implementing necessary changes to ensure the highest level of safety for our employees, partners and customers. 

Throughout the pandemic, our plants remained fully operational, and our supply chain had minimal disruption. Continuity plans helped us prioritize the health of our employees, while also mitigating any future disruptions to ensure the ability to deliver the same quality products and services needed to complete essential projects. 


Safety Fact Sheet

Our leaders recognize the importance of EHS to our business success and, therefore, we strive to make continuous improvement in EHS, beyond regulatory compliance. Download our safety fact sheet to learn more about our safety objectives. 

2021 Safety Calendar

We asked children & grandchildren of our global associates to submit drawings on the theme of "Safety at Work, Home or Play." The winners of the contest are featured in Columbus McKinnon's 2021 Safety Calendar! All proceeds go to Kids Chance for scholarships for children affected by parent's work-related injuries. 

View Our EHS Policy

This Environmental Health and Safety Policy formalizes Columbus McKinnon’s commitment to continuous improvement in the areas of EHS to ensure a sustainable future for our Company, our employees, our customers, the communities in which we live and work and our global environment.

Connecting Safety To Our Communities

9-16-20 • Safety and Training • Power & Motion Technology • Crane Systems

Three Ways Automation Technology Can Improve Your Facility & Operations

Do you have technology in place to help you plan maintenance to prevent costly downtime? Do your processes suffer from complexity that causes variations in product quality? Let's take a closer look at three ways automation can improve your facility and operations.