Endcarriages for suspension and o.h.t. cranes
Brochure - The Crane Technology - German
Brochure - The Crane Technology - English
Brochure - The Crane Technology - French
Brochure - The Crane Technology - Spanish
Brochure - The Crane Technology - Portuguese
Brochure - The Crane Technology - Chinese
Product Information - Endcarriages for suspension and o.h.t. cranes - German, English, French
Features and Benefits
Features and Benefits
- Compact and robust
- Manufactured in modern series production
- Impellers made of high-quality spherical graphite casting with self-lubrication
- Low-noise impeller drive
- Smooth start-up and braking behaviour for safe operation and longer service life
- Easy adjustment to the crane runway profile
- Minimal crane runway girder load
- Maintenance
The Crane Technology
Languages: german
Size: 21 x 25 cm
Pages: 32 pages (4 colours)