Cant Hook
Dixie Cant Hooks are used to move, roll, slide or float logs or poles into position.
Features and Benefits
High-Quality Materials and Craftmanship:
- Handles are made from top-quality, straight-grain white mountain hickory hardwood.
- Kiln dried to 18% moisture content.
- Precision cut to an exact fit.
Durable Steel Components:
- Duckbill hooks are drop forged with the bills ground to a fine point.
- Clasps and extension toe rings are ductile iron castings for longlasting service.
Operational Features:
- With the blunt end up against a log or pole, the hook grabs it at a second location.
- Once engaged, the handle gives the operator leverage to reposition it.
- These tools are ideal for right-of-way clearing and for positioning utility poles.
- Replacement handles, duckbill hooks, extension toe rings and clasps are available