Cooperative Studies for Bachelor of Engineering (HS) m|f|d Mechanical Engineering


You actually want to study, but at the same time get to know the practice? At STAHL CraneSystems in Künzelsau you can combine both! The cooperative study model combines the apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic (IHK) with the regular bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, so that you do not have to decide between apprenticeship or studying.

First, you will learn a profession in practice and also expand your theoretical knowledge as part of your studies at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Sontheim Campus. During the lecture-free periods, you will apply this theory directly in everyday working life. In return, you will receive an attractive salary from us throughout, even during your studies. In five years, thanks to the interlinking of these two educational phases, you will acquire a dual qualification in a shorter time. From a theoretical as well as a practical point of view, you will be optimally qualified and prepared for working life as an engineer.


Bachelor of Engineering (HS) Maschinenbau at STAHL CraneSystems

As a future Bachelor of Engineering (HS) mechanical engineering, you will work on engineering tasks. You will mainly be involved in the development and construction of machines and systems. In addition to technical findings, you will also implement customer wishes and business requirements. Due to your broad knowledge, you will also be employed in customer service, application consulting and technical sales.


The most important information about cooperative studies:

  • Cooperative studies with Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences in Sontheim and STAHL CraneSystems. Your scientific studies will be combined with regular practical assignments in the company.
  • Combination of a course of study with a commercial apprenticeship. In addition to the "Bachelor Degree", you will acquire the skilled worker certificate.
  • Financial support until graduation
  • The 5-year cooperation relationship is divided into 2 years of training as an industrial mechanic in the dual system and 3 years of study at the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences in Sontheim.

What you should bring:

  • Advanced technical college or university entrance qualification with a grade point average of at least 2.5
  • Interest in the handling of technical devices and in data processing
  • Dynamism, commitment, teamwork and ambition


That's all a great fit for you? Then apply now for your apprenticeship.
We look forward to getting to know you personally!

More information about the model and the exact procedure can be found  here: