
HMPD with Clutch Series Product Specifications

Part Number Rated Loads Stroke Length Retracted Length Voltage Current Draw* Speed* Duty Cycle*
# (lbs) N in mm in mm VDC Amp in/s mm/s %
MPD3405-3 (250) 1112 3 76 10 254 12 VDC 14 1 25 21%
MPD3405-6 (250) 1112 6 152 13 330 12 VDC 14 1 25 21%
MPD3405-12 (250) 1112 12 304 19 483 12 VDC 14 1 25 21%
MPD3405-18 (250) 1112 18 457 25 635 12 VDC 14 1 25 21%
MPD3404-3 (250) 1112 3 76 10 254 12 VDC 5 1 25 32%
MPD3404-6 (250) 1112 6 152 13 330 12 VDC 5 1 25 32%
MPD3404-12 (250) 1112 12 304 19 483 12 VDC 5 1 25 32%
MPD3404-18 (250) 1112 18 457 25 635 12 VDC 5 1 25 32%
HMPD3405-3 (250) 1112 3 76 10 254 12 VDC 28 2 50 12%
HMPD3405-6 (250) 1112 6 152 13 330 12 VDC 28 2 50 12%
HMPD3405-12 (250) 1112 12 304 19 483 12 VDC 28 2 50 12%
HMPD3405-18 (250) 1112 18 457 25 635 12 VDC 28 2 50 12%
* At Rated Load


HMPD Series with Clutch Dimensions

HMPD Series with Clutch Dimensions

HMPD Series with Clutch Wiring Diagram

HMPD Series with Clutch Wiring Diagram