RSG-1-SIKA / RSG-2-SIKA Round sling single and double legged
Round Sling Assemblies
Model RSG: Round sling assembly single legged.
Model RSG: Round sling assembly double legged.
Yale RSG-1-SIKA / RSG-2-SIKA Round sling single & double legged Catalogue Page
Yale RSG-1-2 round sling catalog page
Yale RSG-1-SIKA / RSG-2-SIKA One and two leg round sling grapple catalog page
Yale RSG-1-SIKA / RSG-2-SIKA Round sling - single or double leg system catalog page
Yale RSG 1-2-3-4 - Datasheet English
RSG 1-2 ficha técnica española
Features & Benefits
- EN 1492-2 with high tensile forgings EN 1677.
- Standard length 1-3 m.
- Attention: The mentioned lengths refer to the useable length L1 of the round sling.