RSX - XL-Round Sling
Round Slings
RSX-XL Heavy Duty Round Sling with Extra Thick Single Sleeve
Made from polyester (PES), EN 1492-2 with extra strong stitchless protection sleeve, with capacity label.
Features & Benefits
- Optimized woven structure, PU-starched, thermally fixed.
- Easy identification of the annually required UVV tests through an additional label showing a check list.
- Colour coding of the protective sleeve.
- Low weight allows easy handling.
- Protection against hand injuries.
- Protection against cargo surface damage.
- Highly flexible and adaptable to given shapes.
- UV-resistant, eliminating material ageing or embrittlement.
- Heat resistant up to +100 °C.
- Moisture-resistant fabric, thus preventing frost damage (up to approx. -40 °C).