
Missing Chain Sling ID Tags: Who is to Blame?

Rigging | By Columbus McKinnon Training | Apr 24, 2018


Jason asks:

"Who is responsible for putting tags on chain slings?  Can I retag my chain slings with missing tags?  Do I have to load test a sling after I retag it?"

Columbus McKinnon Training Team answers:

It is the sling manufacturer’s responsibility. The sling manufacturer is a person or company assembling or fabricating sling components into their final form. The sling manufacturer and the manufacturer of the sling materials may or may not be identical. An end user who buys components and assembles them mechanically is the sling manufacturer. If the user does not know who the sling manufacturer is because the old tag fell off and went missing, then a decision needs to be made. It is the user’s or rigger’s responsibility to maintain the tag and be sure it remains legible. A rigger can not use a sling without a tag or when a tag is illegible or missing information.

Replacing missing chain sling ID tags becomes a question of competency.

Can the user properly inspect and retag the sling? For retagging, the user would need to start his own serial number for documentation purposes.  In doing so, this user would become the “sling manufacturer.” This can only be done if the user is properly trained and deemed competent.  Per OSHA,  a person who tags a sling must be a competent person designated by the employer.  ASME B30.9 states: replacement of the sling identification shall be considered a repair.  Slings shall be repaired only by the sling manufacturer or a qualified person. A repair shall be marked to identify the repairing agency. To be considered competent and or qualified, the user should have some inspection experience and complete a rigging gear inspection course from a reputable training organization.

If the user feels they are not competent to properly inspect and retag the sling, they would need to send the sling out to a rigging house with a competent person for inspection and retagging.  That rigging house now becomes the “sling manufacturer.”  Tags must have information per OSHA 1910.184(e) Alloy steel chain slings.  I have noted the key points below referencing both OSHA and ASME standards:


OSHA 1910.184(e)(1) Sling Identification
Alloy steel chain slings shall have permanently affixed durable identification stating size, grade, rated capacity, and reach.

ASME B30.9:  SECTION 9-1.7: Sling Identification
9-1.7.1 Identification Requirements

Each sling shall be marked to show:
(a) name or trademark of the manufacturer
(b) grade
(c) nominal chain size
(d) number of legs
(e) rated loads for the type(s) of hitch(es) used and the angle upon which it is based
(f) length (reach).

A load test is not required if a sling is made up of individual load tested components from the component manufacturer. If the sling is always found in acceptable condition per ASME B30.9, OSHA 1910.184 and manufacturers’ recommendations, then the sling can remain in service without ever needing another load test performed.

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Columbus McKinnon Training

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