
Columbus McKinnon's New Safety Value

Announcing our New Corporate Value, Connecting Safety to Everything We Do

by Columbus McKinnon | 10 Aug 2020

Columbus McKinnon has a long history of success, and we would not be where we are today without the hard work and dedication of all our employees. We feel it is critical to ensure our most valuable assets, our people, have a safe environment to work in every day. To continue our journey forward, we are further highlighting the importance of safety through our core values. Today, we announce our 6th core value:


Safety Value Announcement (2).png


To achieve world-class safety performance, every employee must take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their co-workers. Outside our business, the products we make help keep people safe. We take pride in providing the highest quality products to promote the safest workplaces for all our customers.

As with the other five core values, this is something we fully expect Columbus McKinnon's employees to embody in their work. Our culture is what brings us together as a global team and helps us move towards success hand in hand. Safety is a core part of that culture and we must never compromise it.

Today is an exciting day on our cultural journey!


Verbinden Sie Sicherheit mit allem, was Sie tun
Persönliche Verantwortung übernehmen
Sorge für unser Personal
Produkte bauen, denen jeder vertrauen kann




Todo lo que hagas hazlo con seguridad
Asume tu responsabilidad personal
Cuida de nuestra gente
Crea productos en los que todos puedan confiar


Tudo o que você fizer, faça com segurança
Assuma suas responsabilidades
Cuide de nosso pessoal
Crie produtos em que todos possam confiar


Minden tevékenységhez biztonságot nyújtunk
Személyes felelősséget vállalunk
Gondoskodunk munkatársainkról
Megbízható termékeket készítünk


Associez la sécurité à toutes vos activités
Assumez la responsabilité personnellement
Occupez-vous de nos collaborateurs
Fabriquez des produits auxquels tout le monde peut faire confiance