Büro 2

Application tips

Every beginning is difficult – application tips for your application portfolio

To ensure that your application folder for Columbus McKinnon meets all professional requirements, we have put together some application tips for you here. For the submission of your application, you can send us your documents as a PDF file. The documents you need for a complete application are the same for both options: a personal cover letter, your CV, preferably with a current photo of you, your last certificates and, if available, additional certificates, qualifications or receipts.

The cover letter
When selecting our internship, it is not the school grades that are most important to us, but that you are motivated and want to find your new job. Therefore, describe in your cover letter why you like working at Columbus McKinnon and what interests you with us. And maybe you already have one or the other qualification for your desired profession, which you can tell us about. Formally, your cover letter should always include your own address. Also date and subject line should not be missing before the start of the actual cover letter. The text should close with your original signature.

Your CV should not be created as a continuous text, but in tabular form. First, list the most important information about yourself (such as first name, last name, year of birth, place of birth, address, etc.). Subsequently, your school career as well as your interests and abilities are important to us. If you have already gained your first professional experience, are socially or in an honorary position or perhaps have already had a stay abroad, we look forward to finding out from you. In the upper right corner of your CV should be a current photo of yourself, on which you are well recognized. The photo should be approximately 40 x 55 mm.

Certificates, etc.
To round off your application folder, only certified copies of your current school reports are required. If you already have work or internship certificates, confirmation of further training or voluntary work, you can also enclose a copy of them.


If you have any open questions, please feel free to contact our human resources department.



Fiona Fan

Senior Manager, Human Resources HR.APAC@cmco.com