DC Motor Evaluation

Updating older elevators to modern technology can significantly reduce energy costs. DC elevator machines that are properly maintained and in good working order can provide excellent ride quality and years of additional service. Preparation is key to ensuring an elevator modernization project is successful. Columbus McKinnon recommends that a motor analysis and repair company perform a DC motor evaluation before building owners begin a modernization project.
DC Motor Evaluation Steps
As part of any modernization, the motors should be evaluated in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (A.N.S.I.) and Electrical Apparatus Service Association (E.A.S.A.) standards. These standards are outlined in “ANSI/EASA Standard AR100-2015” - "Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus".
The service company should be experienced with DC Elevator Gearless Traction Machines and the use of ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 guidelines to provide the following:
- Identification of the motor and control system
- Condition assessment and inspection
- Armature, field coil, interpole, and brake coil insulation condition
- Commutator condition and commutation
- Brush and brush rigging condition
- Bearing and lubrication condition
- Brake condition (pad, drum/disk, bushings and pins, linkage)
- Fitment and mechanical integrity (shaft, lamination, sheave)
- Air gap
- Testing
- Low voltage electrical and insulation resistance
- Brush rigging insulation resistance
- Brake coil insulation
- Armature winding
- Field coils
- Cleaning
- Repair as necessary
- Dynamic testing
Why Choose Magnetek for Modernization Projects?
The Magnetek-brand Quattro® DC is the optimal choice for a successful modernization project, offering:
- Energy savings
- Lower installation costs compared to AC Motor and drive replacements
- Superior ride quality
- Improved performance
- Long usable life
Download this guide to plan for a successful Quattro DC drive installation from preparation to the benefits you'll receive after installation.
Since the first commercial installation of Quattro DC, Magnetek has continued to improve drive designs and refine installation requirements to improve long-term reliability of retained DC gearless machines.
DC Motor Test Methods
- Physical inspection
- Insulation testing (before & after testing)
- Diagnostic AC voltage drop test of motor fields
- Infrared hot spot detection or thermography while in operation
- Mechanical vibration analysis
- Electrical signature analysis while in operation
- Impedance balance measurements of armature resistance, inductance, and capacitance
DC Motor Test Providers
Electrical Motor Repair Company |
Vincent Electric Motor Co. Oakland, CA http://vincentelectric.com |
McIntosh Industries LLC |
Leppert-Nutmeg Bloomfield, CT www.leppert-nutmeg.com |
Koffer Electrical San Leandro, CA www.koffler.com |
Renown Electric Motors & Repair, Inc. Concord, Ontario, Canada www.renown-electric.com |
Capital Electric Motor Service Dallas, TX www.capitalelectricmotor.com |