
NACM Position on Tagging of Chain Tie-Downs

Transportation and Rail | Rigging | By Columbus McKinnon Corporation | May 09, 2011


As provided by the NACM Technical Committee on May 2, 2011

The NACM  (National Association of Chain Manufacturers) has been asked to provide its position on the need to add additional tagging to tie-down assemblies due to some apparent confusion in Canada.

The Canadian National Safety Code for Motor Vehicles released Standard 10 – Cargo Securement (September 2010, effective January 1, 2011). There is no requirement for, or even mention of, additional tagging of chain tie-downs. Instead, the opposite is true. The Standard states that “A chain that is marked by the manufacturer in accordance with the table of Working Load Limits under Part 4 – Section 7 has a working load limit equal to the amount shown for the grade and size.” Section 7 lists the NACM Welded Steel Chain Specifications as the reference document, and lists the grade indicators contained in the NACM specification in the table. Excerpts from this standard are included below.

This is also in agreement with the similar United States Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration Part 393 Regulations Subpart I, Protection against shifting and falling cargo,  Sections 393.100 through 393.136. There are no requirements for separate tagging of chain tie-down assemblies.

Based on the above and below references, as well as the complete absence of any specification that requires additional tagging, it is the NACM position that additional tagging is not required for chain tie-down assemblies in either Canada or the United States.

Canadian National Safety Code for Motor Vehicles, Standard 10: Cargo Securement, September 2010, Effective 1/1/2011


Part 2 – General Provisions, Division 3 – Requirement for Cargo Securement Systems



Part 4 – Manufacturing Standards, Section 7 – Chain Assemblies

National Association of Chain Manufacturers, Welded Steel Chain Specifications


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